Mother's Day Small Bike Ride
True to form MBVMC leadership (who cannot read a calendar) ended up scheduling a small bike ride on Mother's Day. Nevertheless a few hardy souls braved the wrath of spouse and attended a short but fun ride. The picture above shows (left to right) Mike porters Velorex, Richard Carroll's R50/2 BMW, Ray Downey's Cushman Eagle with B&S v-twin power, Joe McDonald's 305 Dream, Lancer Smith's 1951 Eagle, ??'s Green Cushman Eagle and Jim Downey's 1965 Sears 250 Twingle. We rode down to Battleship Park where we lined up in front of the SR71 Blackbird. We thought it was time that old plane saw something really fast. We came back across the Africatown Bridge. We Lancer on point with his 1951 Cushman figuring he would be the slowest. fact is we had a hard time keeping up with him. He gets more speed out of 8hp than I ever thought possible. Finally we rode to Washington Square to listen to Carlos Forte and his colleagues play some very mellow music. After the concert it was back to our wives. They didn't even know we had been gone.