Club Roster
Members live in Mobile AL unless otherwise indicated. We are trying to get as many pictures of member's bikes on the web site as we can. Pictures can be viewed by clicking on the bikes listed below that have underlined hypertext. Email pictures of your bikes to Jim Downey, the club secretary at Send corrections and updates to the club secretary. To make it difficult for spammers to collect your email address with a web crawler we have camouflaged them by surrounding them with extra characters in grey. Be sure to ignore the "xxx"s when cutting and pasting an email address. To email a member just highlight the blue portion of his email address and click on "copy" on the edit menu (or control +C keys together). Next, create a new message in your email program and "paste" the address (control + V keys together) into the "TO" field.
Can't find your name on the roster? Club membership requires you have an active email address. If you have changed your email and not updated your email with the club then our emails to you have been bouncing and we have removed your entry. Send a valid email address and current info and we will reinstate you.
are getting applications from enthusiasts who live far from the Mobile Bay area
but interact with one or more of our members. We have created a new class
of membership for these individuals, the corresponding member.
Corresponding members are free to display their motorcycles on the club site and
use our advertising even though we will obviously not see them at the club
activities. The CM logo denotes corresponding members.
Club Officers
James Downey - Secretary
Maurice Turgeau amd Mike Stieber - Event Coordinators
Danné J. Adair (Theodore, AL) email: xcvdadair1000@aol.comnxs . Motorcycles include 76' Moto Guzzi Convert (not running), 03' Honda VT1800R.
Allan Ahola (Dauphin Island, AL) email:cxcaahola1974@gmail.comvcx. Motorcycles include 1974 Moto Guzzi El Dorado, 1999 Moto Guzzi Bassa, Confederant Hellcat
James B. Amos (Pensacola, FL) email: cvbfreeway7@localnet.comzxc . Motorcycles Include 1974 Yamaha TY175 1984 Honda VFR1000 1995 Honda CBR900 2001 Kawasaki KX250 2005 BMW R1200RT.
Thomas Archer (Grand Bay, AL), email: cvnarchcustom@yahoo.comcxz Motorcycles include 2004 Yamaha V-Star 1100, 1995 Yamaha Seca II, 1984 Kawasaki Vulcan.
James Arrington (Mobile) email xgxjimarrington123@yahoo.comxgx . Motorcycles include1937 Harley Flathead 74, Triumph TRW,1966 Yamaha YDS3 250, 72 BMW R60/5, Sears 106 Super Sport, 1979 Triumph T140, Norton P11, BMW R100RS. Professional Honda mechanic and is very knowledgeable about vintage bikes. Jim's home page
Nancy Autin (Slidel
LA), email: xfxNancy1951_2000@yahoo.comxsx
Motorcycles include1978 Honda Express
Waits Avery (Foley, AL), email: cccwhcmavery@att.netccc. Motorcycles include 1974 Norton Commando, 1975 T160 Triumph Trident
Volker Bachmann (Steinfurt,
Germany but spent several months in Mobile), email: xkxVolkbach@web.dexkx
. Motorcycles include '94 Honda
Vision and a BMW
Jay Baker (Moss Point MS) email: xvcbakerj@cableone.netcvx . Motorcycles include 1962 165 hummer, 1964 175 hummer, 1975 superglide, 2001 independence "custom express".
Nick Baker (Mobile, AL) email zcxnickbaker272@gmail.comvcx . Motorcycles include 1975 Triumph T160 Trident under restoration. 2008 Ducati 1098
James Ball (Mobile, AL) email mnbjballsatx@gmail.comsax. Motorcycles include 1976 BMW R90/6, 2004 BMW R1150GS.
Gary Barker (Long Beach, MS) email: cvxsalthawg@cableone.netncx . Motorcycles include 1946 Indian Chief 1200, 1979 Harley FXE 1340
Robert (Bob) Barnett (Mobile, AL) email: cvxrpbarnett@hotmail.comxzc. Motorcycles include 1975 Kawasaki Z1 B, 1976 Kawasaki KZ900, 2000 Kawasaki W650.
Tom Bartoli
(Kissimmee FL), email: xxTbartoli@mail.comxx
. Motorcycles include 1969 BSA
A65L Lightning converted to clubman style, 1957 BSA
DBD34 Gold Star in clubman trim, John
Player Norton (850cc Commando w/fairing), 1990 Honda
GB500 & me, Suzuki 650cc single, 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale
David & Theresa Bedford (Mobile) email: xkxdjacksbed@yahoo.comxjx . Motorcycles include a 96 Gold Wing.
Wayne Beckstein (Biloxi, MS) email: xlxBxstine@aol.comxqx . Motorcycles include 1965 Allstate Cruiseaire and a 1980 Vespa P200E.
Ed Behm (Mobile, AL) email: sacEMBEHM_7@COMCAST.NETvbx . Motorcycles include 1968 BSA ROYAL STAR/SIDECAR, 1982 BMW R100RT/SIDECAR, 1980 HONDA CM400, 1994 INDIAN ITALAJET, 1975 JAWA/CZ 476
Mike Behm (Mobile, AL) email: vvvmikejuliebehm@bellsouth.netccc. Motorcycles include 2016 Triumph Street Twin
Jenn Benitez (Mobile) email: vcxms_911@yahoo.comxcv. Motorcycles include 1977 Honda CBK750 W/ Vetter. Painted with Green Bay Packers green and yellow with Donald Driver's Signature on the tank.
Bill Bilicki (Ft Walton, FL), email: xqxBilickiw@Yahoo.comxdx . Motorcycles include a 1975 Triumph Trident T160.
Richard Black (Point Clear, AL) email: cccPublicmail150@gmail.comccc . Motorcycles include: 1979 Yamaha XS1100 (Eleven-Special) with a period Vetter Quicksilver fairing.
Hillman "A.G" & Merry Blackwell (Pensacola, FL) email: cxcagdrummer@cox.netcvx. Motorcycles include American Iron.
Jim Blackwell (Mobile) email: xxjimfb@mchsi.comxx . Motorcycles include 1958 AJS model 16MS, 1960 Matchless Model G12, 1961 BSA SS80, 1967 Triumph Mountain Cub, 1949 CZ150.
Terry Blackwood
(Lancashire, England) cvbTtrryclr@aol.comghj
. Motorcycles include: two Indian motorcycles, a 1971 Honda CD 175
and are currently building a BSA Bantam
D3 and looking for an Indan Arrow.
Ed Blount (Mobile) email: xxeblountjr@att.netxx . Motorcycles include a 1970 Triumph T120R, Norton Cafe Racer, Yamaha 125 MX, 1969 Montesa Cota 247, 1973 Honda CR250M Elsinore.
Patrick Bodine (Wiggins, MS) email: xcvpab47@netzero.netcxz . Motorcycles include a 1979 BMW r100 and a 1999 Yamaha Vstar 650 Classic
Mike Bodisch (Richton, MS) email: xcvbodischm@bellsouth.netvcx. Motorcycles include 2009 Yamaha V Star Tourer with Customized Velorex 562 Sidecar, 2011 Royal Enfield G5 Deluxe with Kozi Rocket Sidecar
Jan Boggs (Huntsville, AL), email: xxJanboggs@hotmail.comxx . Motorcycles include '67 Kawasaki A1-R road racer, '66 W-1 Kawasaki 650, '69 Triumph TR-6, '71 BSA Victor,'67 Bridgestone GTR, '69 Kawasaki 238 Sidewinder, '66 Suzuki X-6, '77 Bultaco Alpina, '73 Rockford Chibi,'65 Honda CB-77
Bob Boeggeman (Spanish Fort, AL) ncxrboeggeman@gmail.comxcv . Motorcycles include: 1986Honda Interceptor 500, 2002 V Strom 1000, 2006 Wee Strom 650, 2007, KLR 650
John Bonner (Mobile) email: cbhjohnstanleybonner@hotmail.comcvb. Motorcycles include 1989 BMW R100GS
Charles Bordelon (Mobile) email: xvcScottbordelon1@gmail.comscv. Motorcycles include 2017 Honda VFR 1200X
Gene Botter (Pascagoula, MS), email: ??? Motorcycles include1959 Honda Super Cub 50(C100), 1962 Honda Sport 50(CA 110), 1966 Honda CT90, 1965 Honda Super 90 (S90), 1968 Honda CB160, 1967 Honda 305 Scrambler(CL 77), 1968 Honda CB350.
V. Paul Jr. and Janice Bowers (Mobile, AL) email: xcvvpbowers@gmail.comvcx and xczjanice.bowers@gmail.comxzz. Motorcycles include 1995 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic, 2003 BMW 1150 RT, 2008 Harley Davidson Nightster. Owners of Rosie's 1901 Garage on Halls Mill Rd in Mobile. Sell your bike on consignment at Rosie's
Fletch Bowling (Mobile) email: xgxfletchb@gmail.comxkx Motorcycles include: '74 Trail 70 CT70-K3 (Early frame model), '75 Trailsport 90 ST90K2, CB400F SuperSport.
Wayne Bradley (Semmes, AL) email: cvxwayneb630@gmail.comnmb. Motorcycles include: 1987 Harley Davidson Sportster, Two 1965 Honda ca-110 sport 50's , One 1966-67 Honda ca-110 sport 50.
Robert Brandner (Palm
Beach, FL), email: jcvsuncycle@msn.comnxj
. Motorcycles include 1989 Honda GB500, 1976 Honda CT 70, 1982 Honda MB5, 1982
Kawasaki AR80 (never fueled), 1974 Yamaha RD60, 1972 Honda CB100, 1972 Honda
CL175, 1997 Honda Dream 50, 1969 Honda Z50, 1980 Honda CB125 resto mod, 1971
Honda CB100 resto mod,
1971 Honda CL100, 1970 Honda CL90 Blue JDM.
Michael Breed
(Birmingham, AL) email: xxBigrunmotors@earthlink.netxx
Motorcycles include: Norton singles & twins, Ducati Singles, BMW (pre disk
brake models), Honda, Yamaha & Suzuki lightweights
Robert Brooks (Mobile, AL) email: xcvSoccerref1950@yahoo.comvcx. Motorcycles include 1973 850 Norton Commando
Shep Brown (Pensacola, FL) email: cxcBMWshep@bellsouth.netxcx Motorcycles include: 1978 Yamaha SR-500E and 2004 BMW R1150RT "Inga"
Richard Bruette (Theadore, AL) email: xxRichmar3@bellsouth.netxx Bikes include 1990 BMW R100GS/Paris Dakar
Chuck Bryan (Cantonment, FL) email: xcxnoletiger@cox.netxcx . Motorcycles include 1977 Honda CL77
John Buck (Loxley AL) email: sxzbigtwinbuck@yahoo.comzxo. Bikes include 1986 Harley Davidson XLH-883 Sportster, 1995 Harley Davidson FXDL Dyna Low Rider, 2013 Harley Davidson FXDC Dyna SuperGlide Custom
Jim Byrd (Thomasville, AL), email: xcxJimbyrd@byrdsmp.comcvc. Motorcycles include 1972 Triumph 750 parts bike.
Brad Caban (Gulf Shores, AL) email: cvnbcaban@aero-mark.comnvx Motorcycles include 1993 Harley FLSTN "Moo Glide"
Richard Cagle (Mobile) email: xxrichardcagle@gmail.comxx . Motorcycles include a 1979 Gold Wing.
Henry Callaway (Mobile) email xzxhenrycallaway3@gmail.comnxz. Motorcycles include 1976 Honda CB360T, 2005 Vespa PX150.
Michael E. Canavan (Pensacola, FL) email: xxMecbigbird@aol.comxx . Motorcycles include: a 1960 Cushman Eagle (green) and a 1961 Cushman Eagle (black).
Keith Campbell (Mobile) email: xxsebring38@juno.comxx Motorcycles include 1980 Honda CX500 Custom, 1999 Honda VFR800, 1982 Suzuki GS850G. Click on Keith's facebook page for additional pictures of my bikes over the years.
Sean Carney (Fairhope, AL), email: zxzscar7007@icloud.comzxz Motorcycles include 2005 Triumph Thruxton, 1995 Triumph Thunderbird.
W. Allen Carroll, Jr. (Mobile, AL), email: cvnAcarroll@wilkinsmiller.comncx. Motorcycles include 2007 Big Dog Mastiff, 2005 Harley Heritage Deluxe.
Charles Chesser (Foley, AL), email:ccccharlesjchesser@gmail.comccc Motorcycles include 1980 KZ1000, 2003 Suzuki SV1000, 1999 Sportster Street Tracker , 1981 Honda 750K, and a second 1997 Street Tracker.
Vance Chunn (Mobile AL) email: cccvchunn@aol.comxxx. Motorcycles include 2016 Triumph Bonneville T120, a 2016 Triumph Thruxton 1200, and a 2016 Vespa 300 GTS
Chris Cole (Mobile, AL) email:xcvchris.adelle@gmail.comvcx. Motorcycles include 1981 yamaha xs650, 1980 honda cb650 custom, 1979 kawasaki kz650, 1978 honda cm185, 1974 honda cb360
Mark Coleman (Biloxi, MS) email: xx????xx , Motorcycles include 1948 Indian Chief.
Phillip Colquette (Gulf Shores, AL), email: xxphillipc1733@gmail.comxx . Motorcycles owned: 1974 BMW R60/6, a 2001 Yamaha Road Star and a 1980 P200 Vespa Motor scooter.
Stephen M. Colville (Pascagoula, MS), email: cvxsmc811@cableone.netnes. Motorcycles include 1978 Honda CB750k unrestored nice original
Jeff Comer (Montrose, AL), email:cxcjb.comer@mchsi.comvcv . Motorcycles include 1966 Triumph T90.
Sean F. Connolly (Mobile), email: xvxseanfconnolly@gmail.comszs. Motorcycles include
Clayton Cowart (Fairhope, AL), email: xcvcowartclayton@yahoo.comcxz . Motorcycles include 2013 Honda cb 1100 and 2004 Harley fxd
Ronnie Cox (Silverhill, AL), email: cvsronnerdog@yahoo.comscz. Motorcycles include 1913 Harley Davidson, 1937 u Harley Davidson, 1941 ohv Harley Davidson, 1942 ohv Harley Davidson, 1944 ohv Harley Davidson, 1966 xlch Harley Davidson, 1999 ultra Harley Davidson, 1970 Triumph Daytona racer
Morris Crain (Ocean Springs, MS) email: vcxmorriscrain@yahoo.comnmv. Motorcycles include1975 Honda cb400f.
Guy Cunningham (Satsuma, AL), email: nvnslyty2s@hotmail.comnvn. Motorcycles include a 2006 Honda VTX 1300C
Dan Currie Jr. (Atmore, AL), email: nxzdancurr@frontiernet.netnsa. Motorcycles include 1982 Honda CB900 Custom. I am the 7th owner of this Classic ride with just over 31,000 miles that has been well maintained for its age.
Rick Daniel (Stapleton AL), email: nmiRickandkarend@bellsouth.netxcv. Motorcycles include 1975 Harley Davidson Sportster 1000 and a 2002 Harley Davidson Electraglide
Douglas and Alta Dardeau (Ocean Springs, MS) email: xcvlawdancer1@icloud.comnmx. Motorcycles include 1973 Triumph TR7V Tiger 750
Rick Daughenbaugh (Mobile) email: scxricharddaughenbaugh@mac.comscv.
Bikes include Kawasaki 2006 Vulcan 900 Classic LT
1985 Yamaha Maxim XJ700N.
Henry Davenport (Robertsdale, AL) email: sxchenryd42@yahoo.comnsa. Motorcycles include 2005 Kawasaki Nomad 1985 Goldwing (under rebuild) 1986 Yamaha Fazer 700S (under restoration), 1997 Harley electraglide, 2002 Harley road king.
Keith Dawkins (Wetumpka, AL), email:xxxlivinon227easyst@msn.comxxx. Motorcycles include 2-1973 750 Honda Fours, a 1974 750 Honda Four, and a 1965 Triumph 650.
Chakli Diggs (Mobile) email xvxchaklid@comcast.netvxv . Motorcycles include 1972 HONDA CB450 and two 1979 YAMAHA XS1100SF s
Richard (Rick) Dillard (Theodore, AL) cvzrickandjeri@att.netvcz. Motorcycles include 1965 Vespa.
Wade Dixon (Theodore, AL) email: cnmdixo248@mchsi.comses. Motorcycles include: 1976-1977 kz900 kawasaki, 1977-1978 kz1000 kawasaki, 1975 h1 500 kawasaki, 1983 Suzuki GS1100e, 1998 Honda superhawk 996., 2005 Harley Softail Springer
Jimmy Doan (Mobile) email NA . Motorcycles include Can Am Spyder 3 wheeler.
Michael Joseph Dominguez (Mobile, AL) email: vczmdominguez51@hotmail.comvcz . Motorcycles include '09' Kawasaki Versys
Mark Donaghy (Mobile, AL) email: Motorcycles include KTM 950 Adventure, GSXR 100
Ricky Dorgan (Daphne, AL), email xxRicharddorgan440@msn.comxx . Motorcycles include 1978 R100/7 and wife has a1981 R100CS.
James Downey (Mobile - Club Secretary), (251) 666 0825 , email xfxJasdowney@gmail.comxbx. Motorcycles include 57 Triumph Thunderbird, 66 Triumph Bonneville, 66 Sears (Puch) 250cc Twingle, 62 BMW R50/2 , a 1950 Sunbeam, a 1973 Benelli Tornado, a 87, Yamaha Fazer 700, a BMW R50/5 and a 2000 Honda Valkyrie. 1963 Yamaha YDS3, 1958 AJS 16MS. Home page:
Ray Downey (Spanish Fort, AL), email ncxRayDowney61@Gmail.comvxz. Motorcycles include GL1800 Goldwing and Cushman scooters.
Don Drasheff
(Prattville AL), email: xxSpringband@aol.comxx.
Motorcycles include 1975 BMW R75/6.
Kenneth Dudley (Mobile) email: xxxkrd74@comcast.netccc
Jim Duffy (Robertsdale, AL), email: ???. Motorcycles include 1959 H-D FL 1200 Glide bagger, 1951 H-D FL 1200 rigid chopper.
Cullan Duke (Mobile) email: xxCulland@AOL.comxx . Motorcycles include 78 BMW R80/7.
Benjamin Eckert (Navarre, FL) email: xcfatcity@gmail.comvc . Motorcycles include 1971 Honda CL350 Scrambler
Donald E Eckhoff (Eightmile, AL) email: xvcdeejrlvst@gmail.comnxz. Motorcycles include 1983 Suzuki gs650gld
Jim Edwards (Anniston,
AL), email xxjim2hd@gmail.comxx
. Motorcycles include 65 BMW
R69S, 69 BMW R69US, 68
Triumph Bonneville, 70 Triumph T100C, 75 Norton Commando Mk
III, 48 Indian
Chief, 68 Yamaha 180 twin, 1968
BSA A65, Harley Electroglide
Classic, and a BMW
R100GS. Jim, a former Mobilian, is a retired engineer from the Harley Davidson
test facility at Talladega.
Donald Louis Ellerman (Long Beach MS), email: xcvdellerman@cableone.netvcx Motorcycles include 1969 Honda cl350 k1
John Ellisor, email: xjxJellisor3@comcast.netxjx . Motorcycles include a Honda CB350.
Dave Elser (Daphne AL), email: cvbgoldwing911@yahoo.comvcx.
Motorcycles include 2006 Honda 750 Spirit.
Paul Emmett (Theodore, AL) email: cxcpemmett@ATT.NETxcx . Motorcycles include a 1968 Norton Atlas.
Bert Engeron (Elberta, AL) email: xczbert.engeron@wosupply.comzxc . Motorcycles include 1997 Harley FXDS Dyna, 1982 Kawasaki--KZ1100 Spectre, And a 2001 Honda Shadow VLX (VT 600/CD)
Timothy Max Ethridge (Fairhope, AL) email: nvxtj@mcgworkforce.comscx. Motorcycles include 1975 550 Four Honda, 1972 350 Four Honda, 1972 750 H2 Kawasaki
Tommy Englett (Semmes, AL) email: cxcttoms79@att.netcsa. Motorcycles include: 1982 Honda GoldWing Interstate, 1985 Suzuki 1200 Madura
Ray Fagan (Pascagoula, MS) email: xcvrayf@cableone.netvcx. Motorcycles include 1986 Honda Helix w/sidecar
Reggie Favre (Petal MS) email: xxgreggie1@hotmail.comxx . Motorcycles include a 1967 Hand-Shift Harley 74. Visit Reggie's personal web site.
Douglas Fink (Mobile, AL) email: erudf@agis.freedback.comuer. Motorcycles include 1960 Harley-Davidson super 10.
R.A. Fiol (Pensacola, FL), email xvxrafiol@cox.netxvx . Motorcycles include 1972 BMW R75/5 "Toaster"
Robert Flanagan (Pensacola, FL), email: xxxrobert.flanagan52@gmail.comvcv . Motorcycles include 1976 Yamaha RS100C, 1978 Honda CX500, 1983 Honda GL650 Silver Wing, 2019 Piaggio Liberty 150, and a 2018 Triumph Tiger 800
Carlos Forte (Mobile) email xxfortecarlos@bellsouth.netxx . Motorcycles include 78 BMW R 80, 76 BMW R 75 Cafe , 67 Moto Guzzi V-7, 69 Sears 250 " Twingle".68 Sears 106, 63 Allstate Compact scooter, 66 Honda CA160 "Dream", 67 Bridgestone 175 "Dual Twin", 70 Suzuki 350 "Rebel", 72 Triumph Bonneville, Allsatae 250 SS Twingle, Honda CB750 with sidecar, Yamaha YJ1.
Donny Franklin (Wilmer, AL) email: xxcdonny.franklin6@gmail.comsxz. Motorcycles include 1992 BMW K75S
Danny French (Gulfport, MS) email: sardanny@frenchandsonsmotorcycle.comras. Motorcycles include 1955 AJS Model 20, 1971 Honda CB350, 1978 Yamaha RD400, 1973 Yamaha RD350, 1974 Honda XL70
George French (Gulfport,MS), email cvngfrench7@gmail.comcnv . Motorcycles include 1975 Yamaha RD60, RS100, RD125, RD200, RD250, RD350, '77 RD400, '79 RD400, '73 TX650, '73 TX750, '76 XS650, '80 XS650, '83 XS650. 1975 KAWASAKI S3 400, KZ400D, '00 W650, '01 ZRX1200R. '82 HONDA HAWK CB450T, '86 HONDA Z50R SPECIAL. 1979 TRIUMPH T-140 BONNEVILLE
Dofin Fritts (Molino, FL), email vcvgyrocfi@yahoo.comvcv
. Motorcyles include 96' honda PC800, 76' yamaha rd400, 77' yamaha
rd400, 78' yamaha Daytona 400, two 76' suzuki GT500s.
Tom Garney (Fairhope AL), email vxvtom@tomgarney.comcvx. Motorcycles include 2000 Yamaha Road Star 1600
Robert Gay
(Jacksonville, AL), email xxROBERTGCP@WEBTV.NETxx
Motorcycles include
Dave Gibson (Clinton, MS), email: xcxdavesstillkickin@aol.comcxx . Motorcycles include 1957 Simplex Automatic, 1973 Honda CB350F,1979 Honda GL1000, 1981 Yamaha XV750, 1983 Suzuki FA50 1990 Honda CBR1000F, 2002 Harley XL883R, and a Suzuki 50 mini cycle.
Russ Gilmond (Mobile, AL) email noidoriruss@bellsouth.netvxs .Motorcycles include 1965 Ducati Cadet 100 and a 1978 AMF Roadmaster Moped 49cc
Jeff Givens (Mobile, AL), email: nmsTojgivens@ gmail.comsmn . Motorcycles include 1952 BMW R51/3, 1972 HD FLH
Matt Golden (Pensacola, FL) email xcxmattlucy1@bellsouth.netxcx Motorcycles include 1972 CB350F, 1973 CB350F, 1975 CB400F (all rats).
Rick Gomez (Mobile, AL) email: xzxoutdoorsportssal@bellsouth.netcxz . Motorcycles include 1967 Honda 305 scrambler.
Clark Gordin (Ocean Springs, MS) email:xnzclark@clarkgordin.comnxc. Motorcycles include 1972 Honda CB175, 1967 Mountain Cub & 1971 Triumph TR6
Delano Gorskey (Mobile) email:cvzdelano_gorskey@bellsouth.netxzc Motorcycles include:
Joe Green (Mobile) email xcxjoetgreen@att.netxcx Motorcycles include Cushman Eagle motor scooter and a Simplex Servicycle
Chip Gregg (Fairhope, AL) email cvxchipgregg@cs.comcvb . 1972 Honda CL175 cafe racer
Johnny Grey (Mobile) email saxjwgray48@yahoo.comxas. Motorcycles include: 1974 Triumph Bonneville
Jim Griggs (Fairhope, AL) email: cvnjcgriggs@mediacombb.netxzv . Motorcycles include 1971 (K1) Honda CB750
Milton Grimes (Theodore, AL) email xcvmiltonshondashop@gmail.comcvn.
Motorcycles include 1974 Honda cb450
1973 Honda cl350.
Ken Groves (Bilox,i MS) email cvnklasics61@aol.comvcx . Motorcycles include 1960 Motobecane sp50,1964 Allstate,1 9?? Motobecane, 1984 Suzuki fa50, 1975 Suzuki ts100, 1976 Suzuki ts185, 2005&2006 Honda elite 80, 2009 Suzuki V Strom650
Jeff Hall (Silverhill, AL), email: xxjhall@bluewaterlumber.comxgx , Motorcycles include a 1970 Triumph Daytona
Robert Hall (Semmes, AL), email scsrobexpo@yahoo.comcsc . Motorcycles include 1974 Kawasaki H2 750, 2001 Aprilia Mille
Derek Hamrac (Creola, AL), email: vvxderekhamrac@gmail.comcxc. Motorcycles include: 2000 Yamaha Vstar 1100A, 2002 Kawasaki Vulcan 800, 2014 Harley Davidson forty eight
David Hangen (Mobile) email: ccchangen_david@hotmail.comvvv . Motorcycles include k75 BMW and a 1966 Honda 450 "Black Bomber"
Ed "Neely" Hannon (Mobile) email: scxxr750vespa@Gmail.commnb Motorcycles include: 1953 Allstate/Vespa-basket case; 1958 Allstate 125cc; 1964 Allstate/vespa 125cc; 1979 Vespa PX200 Ita. specs.; 1979 PX200 Vespa with sidecar; 2005 Vespa GT200; 1973 Honda CR250M; 1994 Harley FXR
Ed Harris (Daphne, AL) email: nooeharris43@hotmail.comoon. Motorcycles include 1977 Honda Goldwing and 2008 Honda Goldwing trike
Mark Harris (Mobile) email: jiymark.t.harris@comcast.netcvn.
Motorcycles include 1968 Triumph T100, 1970 BMW R60/5, 1986 BMW K5
Bob Harrison (Spanish Fort, AL) email: xcvBobeharrison@att.netvcx. Motorcycles include 2000 Honda Rebel.
Christopher Hayes (Mobile) email: cxzchopin_chris@yahoo.comvxc. Motorcycles include 1979 Honda CB400 and 1983 CB450 NightHawk.
Allan "Al" Heffernan (Spanish Fort, AL) email: xcnalanheff@gmail.commnc . Motorcycles include:71 Triumph Trophy TR6C,1964 Cushman Super Silver Eagle, 1977 Vespa Sprint Veloce, 1997 Harley Davidson Road King.
John Helton (Mobile) email: cvx46tcraft@bellsouth.netcxv . Motorcycles include:
Floyd Henderson (Satsuma, AL) email: xcnFloydh545@gmail.comnew. Motorcycles include: 1983 Kawasaki Ltd 750
Steven Henderson (Mobile) email: cxaFaxit344@gmail.comrew. Motorcycles include: 1982 gl 1100 interstate gold wing
Larry Hickman (Bay Minette, AL) vcxlhickman54@yahoo.comcxv.
Motorcycles include: Norton 750 Commando
Wallace Hill (Wetumpka, AL), email zcvwhilllakeside@aol.comjkl . Motorcycles include 1975 Triumph Tiger , 1995 R100RT classic BMW, 2003 Harley police special.
John Holland (Stockton, AL), email cvnJHPF@chevron.comcxz . Motorcycles include 1972 Norton 750 Commando Roadster, 1975 Norton 850 Commando Interstate MK3
John Holliday Jr (D'Iberville, MS), email xczJohnHolliday384@Gmail.comvcx . Motorcycles include 1965 CA77 Honda Dream, 1977 Honda 550 SuperSport , 2020 Enfield 650 Intercepter
Mark Holladay (Mobile) email: vcxmarkholladay@comcastvcx. Motorcycles include 65 BMW R60/2, 71 BMW R60/5, 72 Honda 450, 60 Cushman Eagle, 85 Honda 'big red' 3 wheeler, 1950 Ariel Square 4.
Bobby Holloway (Daphne, AL) xcxbjh1955@bellsouth.netvcx. Motorcycles include 1972 Honda CB350F.
Mark C Holm (Pace, FL), email: xcvdrusillaholm@msn.comvcz . Motorcycle include 2009 Honda Rebel
Mark Hudson (Mobile) email: xvxHudson_Hollow@Yahoo.comxvx Motorcycles include 75 Honda CB750 , 73 Yamaha 125 AT3, Honda 2000 RC51 , 88 Honda ZB50, 74 Yamaha TX750, 2008 Gas Gas 300EC
Richard Hunter (Mobile) email: xcsrichardhunter1@mac.comsac Motorcycles include: 1970 BMW R75/5, 1970 BMW R50/5, 1973 R60/5, 1977 Honda CT-90, 1972 Suzuki GT750, 1972 Suzuki GT550, 1963 Vespa 150, 1959 Vespa 150, 1981 Yamaha TT500, 1976 Honda GoldWing, 1993 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy
Fred Hurst (Petal, MS) email: xcvhedfurst@gmail.comeru.
Motorcycles include 1975 CB550F cafe.
Rob and Susie Hurst (Robertsdale, AL) email: xxOlrocker@yahoo.comxx Motorcycles include 1997 Moto Guzzi California 1100i, 2002 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Silverado, 1972 Suzuki TS-250 Savage.
Shane Huseman (Daphne, AL) email: xcshanehuseman@yahoo.comvm. Motorcycles include 1967 FLH with a 1949 pan head motor. The bike has just been redone and has been in my family for 33 years.
Eddie Hyde
(Prattville, AL) Email: vbcHydhydep@aol.combfd
Motorcycles include 1996 XV 750 Yamaha Virago (Customized)
Frank Iodice (Moss Point, MS) email: xcviodicemd@gmail.comcvx. Motorcycles include 97 heritage, 65 Triumph Bonniville, 63 HD Sprint.
Charles Jacobs, (Chapala,Mexico)
email: xcvcj1946@gmail.comcxv.
Motorcycles include 1994 Honda VFR750.
Benjamin J. Jaffe (Gulf Shores, AL) email: xcvbennyjaffe@comcast.netbvc . Motorcycles include 1977 Triumph Bonneville T140
David R. Johnson (Pensacola, FL) email: txcv. Motorcycles include 1980 Suzuki Gs850G
Earl A. Johnson (Gauthier, MS) email: cxzerljhnsn2003@yahoo.comvbn. Motorcycles include....
Ted Johnson (Slidel, LA) email: sectedjohnson50@bellsouth.netces. Motorcycles include 1971 Triumph T100R Daytona 500, 1971 BSA A65T Thunderbolt 650, 1975 Moto Guzzi 850T, 1998 Suzuki Bandit 1200S, And others
Adrian Jones (Mobile, AL), email: xcadrian.anthony955i@gmail.comvx . Motorcyclers include '91 Honda 750 Nighthawk.
Arlen F. Jones 3rd (Mobile, AL), email cvzarlenfjones@gmail.comxcv.
Rick Jones (Southside, AL), email: xxxmotoelekt@mindspring.comxxx . Motorcycles include a 1962 Honda CA 95 Benley, 1956 Heinkel Tourist 103-A0, 1965 BMW R60/2, 1970 BMW R75/5
Roger S. Jones (Mobile) email: cvnrjones@thompsoncs.netvcz. Motorcycles include 1982 Goldwing Aspencade.
Sam Jones (Agate, CO).
email: nnnoutbackengineering@gmail.comnnn
. Motorcycles include 1975 H d flh, 1940 m20 BSA chopper, 1954 Vincent C Rapide
1985 Can AM 500 Sonic, 1974 Norton Commando, numerous, time-absorbing,
mind-numbing projects!
Terrance Jones (Monile, AL); email: vvvTJ245082@gmail.comnnn . Motorcycles include Honda 2004 VLX1300.
Woody Jones (Mobile) email: zzzjones7582@bellsouth.netccc. Motorcycles include
Andrew Keiderling (Pace, FL), email nvcakeiderling@yahoo.comcvn. Motorcycles include: 1954 BMW R51/3 and 1954 R25/3
John "Hap" Kern, Ph 251 432 8412. Motorcycles include 71 Triumph Tiger (won 2nd place at Pensacola show)
Donald King (Summerdale, AL), email xxDKING@GO-AIRINC.COMxx
Henri Kovar (Ocean Springs, MS) email xxAnchorrode@yahoo.comxx .
Dan Kramer (Milton, FL), email: nnnKreamster@aol.comvvv. Bikes include 46' Indian, Triumph pre-unit, Triumph bobber, Triumph bobber (green), Triumph cafe racer, 74 Norton, and a couple of 45 Harley baskets.
Peter Anthony Kupfer (Mobile, AL) email: cxzmrkupfer@gmail.comxcv. Motorcycles include 2007 KTM 525 EXCGR, 2012 Honda XR650L, 2005/2006 Honda CRF CRF250R
Lester Lala (Ocean Springs, MS) email: cxvllala63@yahoo.comcvx. Motorcycles include a 1967 Triumph Mountain Cub.
Warren Lapham (Foley, AL email:cscscsalvage@myyahoo.comcxc. Motorcycles include 72 CB350/4 82 CB750F 75 CT90.
Timothy Lancaster (Ocean Springs, MS) email: xnntjlancaster72@gmail.comore. Motorcycles include....
Tony Lawless (Ft Walton Beach, FL) email: ccctrs@bsc.netccc. Motorcycles include 1978 Triumph T-140V, 1983 Moto Guzzi Le Mans III, 2009 Harley XR1200.
Bill Lee (Frisco City, AL), email cbnbilllee48@yahoo.combnc. Motorcycles include Honda CB350.
John Lee (Pensacola, FL) Phone 850 944 7980 (no email). Motorcycles include 98 Honda Valkyrie, 89 Honda Trans Alp, 74 Norton 850, 78 Kawasaki Z-1R, 74 DT 250, 73 AT-3, American Eagle Laverda, 75 Kaw H-2, 75 HD ss250, 124 Gilera, 390 Husky, 72 Bennelli 650, 80 Vesp 125.... John has tons of NOS Yamaha Parts + parts for other Japanese bikes for sale.
Marliam Lee (Dauphin Island, AL) email: nmnmarliamlee@gmail.comcxc.
Motorcycles include Commando, CB160, CL90, BMW R90/6 & other projects
George Legg (Fairhope, AL) email: nmegwlegg@mediacombb.netozx
. Motorcycles include 1966 Triumph T100 SS bought while I was at Newcastle
University in the UK 1977, 1983 Moto Guzzi Le Mans III bought in New Orleans
1998, 1973 Yamaha AT3 (for my son) bought at the Barber Vintage Festival last
View of bikes in my new shop.
T. Leon Leggett (Mobile, AL), email: cxvleon@daleggetts.comvcx . Motorcycles include 1946 EL-61 HD. 1974 TY-250 Yamaha
David Morgan Lenoir (Mobile, AL) email cxzdlenoir@hotmail.comsam. Motorcycles include 1999 Enfield Bullet 500 & 2020 Royal Enfield Himalayan 411.
Al Lewis (Moss Point, MS) email: xrxlewisal47@gmail.comxzx . Motorcycles include 47 HD KNUCKLEHEAD, 57 HD HUMMER, 59 HD HUMMER, 78 MX 250, 77 HD ELECTRA GLIDE and a 69 HARLEY 350 SPRINT SS
Turner Christian Little (Irvington, AL) email: cxzTurnerlittle1992@gmail.comxcz . Motorcycles include Barn find 1974 Yamaha RD 350 under construction.
Michael Long (Laurel, MS) email: xxWebguy@bikerider.comxx Motorcycles include 1978 Honda Goldwing GL-1000.
Archie Lovelace (Bay Minette, AL) email cxvlovelacearchie@yahoo.commnc. Motorcycles include old school Honda chopper.
Ray Lucas (Mobile), email: xxThumperracer@yahoo.comxx . Motorcycles include: 1977 Triumph T140V (Dino, FL plate TR1UMPH), 1985 BMW K100RS (Smoky the Packmule, for sale cheap), and seven Hondas in various states of disrepair including a 1977 Honda CB400F Supersport (the Mutt) and a couple FT500 Ascot roadracers (The Dawg and The Pup). ATV Safety Institute (ASI) and Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Instructor #96031
Jerry C. Lundy JR, (Mobile), email: aiejclundyjr@gmail.comwqz. Motorcycle include 2013 Electra Glide Ultra limited.
John Mackey (Saraland, AL) email: xcvjc.mckey@gmail.comxzc . Motorcycles include 2014 Triumph Thruxton 900
Greg Magner, email xdxgregmagmango@bellsouth.netxkx . Motorcycles include: 1967 BSA A 65L Lightning (650 twin)
Doug Mahone (Pensacola, FL) xxplayfamily@yahoo.comcc . Motorcycles include a 1975 Honda CB200T
Greg Mais (Bay Minette, AL), email: xxgregmais@att.netxx Organizer of the annual Bike-O-Rama
Robert Marion (Mobile, AL) email: xccbmarion1950@gmail.comccx. Motorcycles include: 2005 Honda VTX1300C, 2020 Honda VT1300c
Kevin Marston (Mobile, AL ) email: xcvkmmarston@msn.comcvx motorcycles include: I am in the process of looking for a motorcycle
Paul Martin (Daphne, AL) email xdx????xkx. Motorcycles include: 1974 Honda cb 450 and a 1967 Suzuki 250 t20 hustler project
Rick Martin (Warrior, Alabama) email xxRickmar@peoplepc.comxx . Bikes include75 Goldwing, 72 Kawasaki ke100, 71 Honda sl70, 69 Honda z50, 71 Yamaha jt-1 mini-enduro, 77 Suzuki PE350, 89 Suzuki rm250, 92 Gas Gas 250 trials.
Mitchell Martin (Mobile) email xxTudor8mm@hotmail.comxx . Bikes include: 1973 Suzuki T500, 1967 Sears Twingle, 305 Honda Dream, 1973 BMW R90/6, BMW R100, Honda Super 90, 06 Goldwing, and a Kawasaki KLR 500.
Steve McClintock (Grand Bay, AL) email: xxidocyls@gmail.comxx. Motorcycles include Suzuki SV650, 1958 Triumph T-110, and a 1948 Triumph Tiger 500.1964 BMW r27, and 70's Benelli 650.
Mike McCurley (Gulf Shores, AL) email: xxMccurley@gulftel.comxx . Motorcycles include 1978 BMW R100s, 1990 BMW R100gspd, 2004 BMW R1150RT, 1972 Bultaco Alpina. Looking for Bultaco Frontera, Moto Guzzi.
Alan McDonald (Mobile, AL) email: sssalan_mcdonald@bellsouth.netxxx. Motorcycles include 1964 Honda CA 105 T, (Trail 55) Survivor and a 1974 Vespa 125 under restoration.
Joe McDonald, email xcxJoemcdonaldrealtor@comcast.netxcx . Motorcycles include: 99 Harley FLHTC (Electraglide Classic), 1973 Triumph T140, red 305 Dream, and a 1971 Honda Trail 90. Looking for a Vespa Scooter. Web Site
Tim McGee (Creola, AL) email xcxtmcgeesr@yahoo.comxcx . Motorcycles include: 1973 BMW R75/5 LWB, 1975 BMW R90/6, 1981 BMW R65, 1984 BMW R100RS
Grayson McGoogan (Mobile, AL) email: vcxgraysonmcgoogan@gmail.comxcv. Motorcycles include 1974 Honda CT90, 1989 Honda CB1
Rick McKean
(Carlsbad, NM) email:
Motorcycles include: a Pecos Twister (modern Mustang)
Jillian McKelroy (Daphne, AL) email: cxvjillianmckelroy@gmail.comvcx. Motorcycles include 1973 Honda CL 125S.
Jim McKinley (Foley, AL) email: sdfexcellenceinleadership@gmail.comxcv Motorcycles include: 1966 BSA Lighting.
Robert "Dink" and Julie Mclendon (Pensacola, FL), email xrxSales@danddcycles.comxux Motorcycles include: 1957 BSA C12, 1974 Dunstall Norton Owners of D&D Cycles in Pensacola. Phone (850) 456 0354. Website
Rick McNeill (Grand Bay, AL) email : cvxmcneillrickw@gmail.comvcz. Motorcycles include 2019 Honda Goldwing, 2021 Harley Davidson Pan American, 2018 Moto Guzzi MGX-21, 2021 Indian Dark Horse Challenger, 2023 BMW S1000XR
John W McWillams (Wilmer, AL) email: mmcMcjohn63@gmail.comcom. Motorcycles include...
Keith Meatyard (Seminole, AL) email: Motorcycles include 73 Penton 175 Jackpiner (2), 74 Penton 175 Jackpiner, 70 Penton 125 Six Day, 74 Bultaco Sherpa T 350, 78 Montesa Cota 348, 73 Ossa 250 Explorer
Paul Metzger (Hattisburg,
MS) email: xvpaul@pbmhr.comvc.
Motorcycles include: 1980 Yamaha XS850 Midnight Special
Danny Milam (Mobile) email: xxDMILAM320@AOL.COMxx . Motorcycles include 65 Sportster, 98 Road King. (Soldiers of the Cross MM)
Glenn Miller (Pensacola, FL), email: xcv2glennmiller@gmail.comcvx . Motorcycles include 1942 Harley Davidson WLA, 1958 Harley Davidson FLH, 1964 Harley Davidson FLH.
Tony Miller (Baldwin County, AL) email: xxanthony_miller@hotmail.comxx . Motorcycles include Hesketh V1000 '82, Royal Enfield 250 cc Crusader (X2), Royal Enfield 250 cc Trials, Suzuki GS1000G
Allen Molaison
(Thibodaux, La), email xrxAjm457@yahoo.comxrx .
Motorcycles include 2000 Honda vt750, 78 Yamaha xj650
Mike Montgomery (Ocean Springs, MS), email xwxmvmonty@gmail.comxwx . Motorcycles include: 1954 Simplex Servi-Cycle, 1955 Allstate Cruisaire (Vespa), 1961 Zundapp Super Sabre (electric start), 1962 Honda Cub, 1964 Honda Dream, 1965 Honda 150 Dream, 1966 Yamaha Twinjet 100, 1967 Yamaha 180 Bonanza, 1969 Honda SL 90, 1971 Honda CT 70, and 1972 Honda CT 90. Looking at 1957 Zundapp Super Sabre and Triumph Tiger Cub
Steve Monteleone (Ocean Springs, MS), email ???. Motorcycles include 2003 Indian Chief Roadmaster.
Rod Moody (Gulf Shores, AL), email xxrod123@mchsi.comxx . Motorcycles include; 1949 Harley el,1968 Harley xlch,1964 Harley xlch, 19?? Harley Sprint factory racer, 1974 Norton commando, 19?? BSAtriple, 1976 Honda 400f, 19?? Yamaha mini enduro, 6 (count em) kawasaki z1s & kz's 1973-1978
Bobby Mooney (Heber
Springs, AR), email: xxCushman72543@yahoo.comxx
. Motorcycles include: 1947 Cushman Roadking,1957 Cushman Eagle,1959 Cushman
Eagle Vangard Conversion,1960 Cushman Hylander,1960 Cushman Pacemaker,1959
Cushman Truxter,1972 Cushman Truxter, Cushman Golfster (year unknown) was told
only 12 made?
John Allen Moodhard (Pensacola,FL) email: xxxjamoodhard@hotmail.comxxx . Motorcycles include: 2005 Heritage Softail Classic, 2006 Dyna Superglide Anniv. Edition, 2008 Springer "Cross-Bones", and 2011 Ultra Classic Electra Glide.
Daniel Moore (Fairhope, AL) email: cvndm.moore@mac.comnvc.
Motorcycles include 1978 BMW R80/7, 2004 HD FXSDSE21978 BMW R80/7
Marie Moreau (Mobile, AL) email: cxzdr.frenchy@gmail.comczx. Motorcycles include a 1959 Triumph Thunderbird Custom in Progress
Rick and Beverly Moritz (Coden, AL) email:nvmislandmoritz@yahoo.commnv. Motorcycles include 1977 Harley Davidson Café' Racer
Gene Mulloy (Laurel, MS) email: xxPEM@LMFco.comxx Motorcycles include: 1972 Honda CB-750.
Jim Munsey (Robertsdale, AL), email xcxjamesr100@aol.comxcx. Motorcycles include 1982 BMW R100RT w/Sidecar and a 2000 HD Heritage Softail
Mike Murphy (Grand Bay, AL), email nnstaylorcubwing@gmail.comccn Motorcycles include 1977 Yamaha TT500, 1974 BMW R90/6
David Napp (Theodore, AL) email: xcvdavidnapp@bellsouth.netvcx. Motorcycles include a ???
Rich Nenstiel (Mobile, AL) email: cxzrnenstiel393@gmail.comvcx. Motorcycles include a pair of Honda SL175s
Nick Nichols (Mobile, AL) email: xcxocnicknichols@gmail.comvcx , Motorcycles include 2002 Honda GL 1800 Goldwing, 1999 Honda Vf750 Magna
Michael Nikolakis (Mobile, AL) email: xcxNik7378@bellsouth.netxdx. Motorcycles include 1998 Buell S3T.
Kevin W. Nobles (Pensacola, FL) email: ueakevinnobles19@gmail.comaeu. Motorcycles include 1967 Honda S65
Michael Nowell (Mobile) email: xcvmichealnowell@msn.comzas . Motorcycles include
A. Renee Odom (Mobile, AL) email: vcxladysage333@gmail.comcvx. Motorcycles include 1972 Honda CB100
Garry Owen (Atlanta, formerly from Mobile), email: xxGowenridin@bellsouth.netxx . Motorcycles include: Ducati Darmah 900SSD, '67 Yamaha Twin Jet 100, '67, Suzuki X6 Hustler, '67 Ducati Monza Jr. (needs restoring), Honda XR400, '94 Ducati 888 SPO LTD (#97 of 100), BMW R1100S, Honda XR650R Supermotard. Homepage
River Allen Owen (Moss Point, MS) email:xcxRiverowen24rao@gmail.comcxc. Motorcycles include Vintage Honda Motorcycles
James Orr (Mobile) email: ooojames_orr@aandbcycle.comooo Motorcycles include: 1967 CL90.
Bill Park (Daphne, Ala) email: aerducatibill@gmail.comjlk Motorcycles include 2019 Ducati 821 and a 73 Yamaha RD 350
Richard Parra (Daphne, AL) email: voxRichard.a.parra@gmail.comxov. Motorcycles include 1976 Harley Shovelhead Chopper.
David "Needle" Paryzek (Pace, FL) email: sxc???sxc Motorcycles include Suzuki Stinger, Suzuki T-500 , 2 Aermacchi "sprints" click here for the other sprint , and a Suzuki 305
Fred Patterson (Fairhope, AL) email: cvapfrederick@bellsouth.netoog .Motorcycles include 2014 Moto Guzzi California Custom and a 2013 Triumph Scrambler
Nathan Elijah Pearman (Mobile) email: cvctelnate@comcast.netvcx. Motorcycles include 2006 Triumph Bonneville Black.
Jason Petro (Mobile) email: xdxJtpetro@comcast.netxfx . Motorcycles include 1972 Triumph Bonneville
Bobby Peterson (Mobile) email xuxMetz1912@ATT.netxpx . Motorcycles include: 65 Triumph Bonneville, Honda 305 Hawk.
Pete Petersen (Elberta, AL) email: xcvrapetepetersen@gmail.comzxc . Motorcycles include 1968 Triumph T120R & 1953 BSA BB34 (Gold Star)
Harris Phillips (Satsuma, AL), email: mnmHarris_phillips@live.comnmn. Motorcycles include yg5t 80 cc Yamaha, 1967 YCS1 180cc Yamaha, 1970 HS1 90cc Yamaha, 1975 RD350 Yamaha, and a 1973 SS350 Harley Sprint.
Mike Porter (Mobile) email xxBikemicro@aol.comxx . Motorcycles include 1981 DUCATI 900 DARMAH SD, 1949 BMW R-24 250cc, 1966 HONDA DREAM 305cc, 1975 LAVERDA 750SF, 1975 HERCULES WANKLE , 1961 ARIEL LEADER 250cc, A 1959 VELOREX THREE WHEELER WITH A 250cc JAWA MOTOR, 1975 MOTO GUZZI T3, Ducati 888 and a 50cc Yamaha YSR Ducati look-a-like , 1961 Harley Topper scooter, Matchless scooter, and a Suzuki RE5 wankle. Operates a vintage MC repair shop in Theodore Alabama and is an expert on Moto Guzzis and Ducatis.
Michael Poulton (Mobile) email: vcvmichael.poulton@akerkvaerner.comcvc.
Motorcycles include 1983 KZ-1100-L LTD
Aubie Pouncey (Grand Bay, AL) email vbfpouncey@centurytel.netmng. Motorcycles include: '04 Harley Deuce and 2000 Triumph Thunderbird. Has an industrial machine shop in Grand Bay and can make custom parts or repair almost any kind of broken part. He does glass bead blasting and aluminum welding.
Joshua Powell (Pensacola, FL) email cvsJoshpowell84@hotmail.comvcs . Motorcycles include 1974 Yamaha TX650A
Brad Powell
(Marietta, GA), email xqx4yankeez@bellsouth.netxex
. Motorcycles include 75 Norton
Commando, Moto Guzzi Cetauro, Cagiva Grand Canyon, 69 Triumph
Tr6, 69 BSA Rocket 3, 74 Moto Guzzi V7
Sports. Web site
Mike Predmore (Mobile, AL), email xcvMikepredmore064@gmail.comvcx. Motorcycles include 1971 Honda CB350 Cafe Racer, 1978 BMW R60/7 (engine is 1000 cc) cafe racer
Ron Puckette (Milton Fl.), email: xixPCTeck@mchsi.comxsx I have about 20 or so vintage and classic bikes...I moved to this area from Pinellas county. I would like to get to know area enthusiasts who love British Iron. I also have a limited supply of parts for old bikes. Bikes include BMW R60/2, a R90S, a 66 Bonnie and a 73 T140...I am also building a Triton.
Edward T Ramey (Mobile, AL), email; ecvedrmy666z@hotmail.comrun. Motorcycles include 1974 Honda XR75. completely rebuilt including powder coated frame
Dennis Read (Gulf Breeze, FL), email: nmsdr2152@gmail.comsni. Motorcycles include 1974 Kawasaki H2.
John Reamer (Creola, AL), email: vcxjdrsax@gmail.comnmz. Motorcycles include 2015 HD Ultra Classic Low.
Kenny Redd (Lynn Haven FL), email xcxKredd@ara.comxbx Motorcycles include: 1966 Honda CL77 "Scrambler" Silver/Black and only 3000 miles.
Steven Reeves (Chickasaw, AL), email xxxkaferhaus@att.netvvc. Motorcycles include 1968 CB90, 2011 Honda VT 1300 Interstate
William Reid (Foley, AL) email: cvnarcher1946@yahoo.comzxc. Motorcycles include: 1969 BSA A50 Royal Star, 2004 Royal Enfield with sidecar (military model, green with solo seats, hard panniers), 2004 Triumph Bonneville Black, 2015 Yamaha SR400
Tony Ridgeway (Mobile) email: xcvteridgeway@bellsouth.netvcx Motorcycles include 1979 Yamaha SR500, crf230, BMW R1200GS
Karsten Riebesel (Mobile) email: xhxBrr247@aol.comxkx . Motorcycles include: BMW R60/5.
Jim Rivers (Pt Clear, AL) email: cxvjamesprivers@gmail.comxvn. Motorcycles include a 1975 and a 1977 Honda CB400f.
Jerry Robbins (Mobile) email: xxxJJJrobbins@aol.comxxx.
John Robbins, (Gautier, MS) email: xfxRobbinsJFII@AOL.comxfx Motorcycles include 1964 Hodaka Ace 90, 1968 Hodaka Super Rat, 1968 Yamaha DT1 (250Ccc), 197? Yamaha TY250, 1978 Honda CX500 Standard, 197? Yamaha TY175, 198? Yamaha XS650 Special, 1990 Yamaha RT180
Allan Robinson (Hattiesburg, MS), email ??? . Motorcycles include Triumphs T110's, a 65 Bonneville and an unrestored 68 Bonneville, and 200cc Tiger Cubs of which I have a number. I currently am trying to bring a 1959 Bonneville back to life.
Bill "Bass"
Rogers (Andalusia, AL) emal: scxbrogersal@yahoo.comnxc.
Motorcycles include: Bass has recently put 4 classic BMWs back on the road: '77
R100/7, '74 R75/6, '71 R60/5, '64 R60/2. In the works is a '59 R26. picture of Bass's workshop.
Turner Rogers (Mobile) email: bbbturnrog@att.netbbb . Motorcycles include 1979 BMW R100/7, 2000 Vulcan 1500 Classic.
Richard Roh (Fairhope, AL) email: xxcraroh@bellsouth.netzxc.
John & Brenda Roskom (Pace, FL) email: xvcvtmn_r@yahoo.comnms. Motorcycles include 1947 Salsbury
Brian Roy (Ocean Springs, MS) email: cxzbriaqn@bellsouth.netnnn. Motorcycles include 1998 Harley FXDWG Wide Glide, 1966 Honda CA160
Alexandre Rustici (Mobile) email: vvvalexandre.rustici@gmail.comvvv. Motorcycles include 1976 Honda 750 4
Franco Rutili (Milan,
Italy) email:
. Motorcycles include a 1950's MV 125cc
Pullman. Franco is a former resident of Mobile now living in his
native Italy..
Billie Sanders (Mt Vernon, AL) email:cxcbilliesndrs@aol.comxcs . Motorcycles include a 2006 road star
Richard Schlinkert (Birmingham AL / Pirate's Cove AL) email: nxzrichardschlinkert@gmail.comcnc. Motorcycles include 1972 Norton Commando, 1971 Triumph Bonneville, 1993 Yamaha TDM 850
Schmitt (Neustadt an der Weinstrasse Germany but worked in Mobile), email: xhxJ_schmitt@gmx.chxhx
. Motorcycles include 1975
Vespa V50N Special.
Tom Scott (Spanish Fort, AL), email: xfxDSCOTTBAMA@MSN.COMxsx Bikes include a 1961 MATCHLESS G-12 650CC and a 2002 Triumph Bonneville, Honda 350 scrambler.
Joel Shively
(Dripping Springs, TX) email: xxxH2ou8n4@yahoo.comxcx .
Motorcycles include BMW R90S.
Joseph Schreiner (Mobile, AL) email sxcjfs1955@att.netvcx. Motorcycles include Hondas: 66 S90, 67 CL77, 68 CL90, 72 CB750.
Derek Schwartz (Mobile, AL) email: cvnninojesus23@gmail.comnsx. Motorcycles include a 2006 Harley Soft Tail (Night Train) custom
Darrell Shouse (Gonzales, FL) email: xgxGuttlless1@yahoo.comxhx . Motorcycles include 72 Yamaha R5 350, 74 Suzuki TS125, 73 GT250
Bobby Siebert (Lucedale, MS) email: ncnBOBBY.SEIBERT@US.ARMY.MILcnc . Motorcycles include 1973 HONDA 350/4.
Pat Simmons (Grand Bay, AL) cvnkoozan@gmail.comoie. Motorcycles include 1966 Triumph Thunderbird in need of restoration.
Baylor Singleton (Foley, AL), email: xxxbaylorsingleton@aol.comxxx. Motorcycles include a 1972 Honda 750 Four.
Kenny Sisk (Pensacola, FL), email nvnneverendingcycle@cox.netnvn, Motorcycles include 1974 Kawasaki 750 H2 / 1966 Blackbomber / Honda CL 450 / 86 Husqvarna 430 automatic / 1969 rigid springer Honda 750 / 69 SL 350 / H2 Drag Bike / 76 H1 500. Operates MC salvage yard call about parts 850-434-6585
Fredrick Smallwood (Picayune, MS), email: xdxfredsmlwd@hotmail.comxfx Motorcycles include: '78 Honda CM 400 Hondamatic, '56 Allstate Scooter, '52 Harley "125" and a '95 Harley Springer Softail which he won on a slot machine at the Grand casino, honest!.
Don Smith (Mobile, AL), email: sacdjsmith40@att.netzxc. Motorcycles include 2000 BMW R11050GS
Grump (L.E.) Smith (Semmes, AL), email: cvngrumpdogusa@gmail.comxcz . Motorcycles include ??
Jeff Smith (Mobile, AL), email: oxcJsmith5690@icloud.comxoc. Motorcycles include 1998 Triumph Thunderbird Sport, 1974 Yamaha RD125, 1996 Suzuki DR350
Lancer Smith (Fairhope, AL), email: ????? Motorcycles include 2 Cushman motor scooters: a 1960 Eagle, and a 1951 Eagle.
Larry Smith (Mobile AL) email: xsxA1AUTOINTERIORSINC@Yahoo.comxgx . Motorcycles include a 1973 Honda TL 125 (Trials) and a 1974 Honda TL 125 (Trials). Larry is the owner of A-1 Auto Interiors in Mobile and is great at restoring MC seats at a reasonable price. He also is an enthusiastic observed trials rider.
Marie Smith (Wilmer, AL) email: eruseirams@gmail.comwee. Motorcycles include KYMCO GRAND VISTA 250 scooter.
Nigel Smith (Mobile, AL) email:??? Bikes include 1957 BSA A10, mid 60's Ducati 250 cafe racer, 69 Triumph Bonneville, 53 Velocette 350 Mac, 2002 Kawasaki ZRX1200R, 1969 BSA Lightning, 1959 BSA Bantam , 68 Sears 124, and a 66 Ducati 350 Sebring.
Larry Sollenberger (Milton, FL), email:????? . Bikes include Honda Dreams.
Marc Spencer
(Huntsville, AL) email: nnorenchinrider@hotmail.comxvn.
Active in the North
Alabama Vintage Motorcycle Club. Motorcycles include: 1974 Harley Davidson Super Glide,
1978 Yamaha XS650, 2002 Harley Davidson Road King.
Peter Stacey (Daphne, AL) email: cxcaquanutpete@gmail.comxcx. Motorcycles include 1983 Suzuki GN400TT, 1990 Yamaha FZR1000, 2005 Triumph Thruxton.
James Stadt (Mobile, AL), email: xzcjstadt@sandbmachine.comcxz. Motorcycles include 2010 Ducati 1098 Streetfighter and 1980 CB750 Honda
Jerry Lee Stalmach (Semmes, AL), email: senj.l.jerry.jones@gmail.comiou. Motorcycles include 1986 Honda VFR-700F2, 1985 Honda CH80 (Aero) Scooter
Barker Stein
(Dumfries, VA), email: vxvbarker45@hotmail.comxvx.
Bikes include 1942 Harley Davidson WLA, 1975 Moto Guzzi 850T (cafe), 1978 Moto
Guzzi G5 (1000cc touring bike with ammo cans), 1982 Moto Guzzi V50III, and 2001
Moto Guzzi Jackal
George Stephenson (Pensacola), cxvgeorge.stephenson1@me.comvxc.. Motorcycles include 1972 BSA 500 (B50ss)
Mickey Stewart (Daphne, AL), email: xcvstewartplanning@aol.comvcx: Motorcycles include 1966 Honda 50, 1998 Harley Ultra Classic with a Side Car
Michael Stieber (Mobile AL), email: zxcmichael_stieber@yahoo.comvnm. Motorcycles include 1965 (?) Allstate Compact ds60 and a 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail.
Kent Stocker (Fairhope, AL), email xcxmotorcyclefubar7@gmail.comxnx . Motorcycles include: 1941 Harley WLA under construction. Operates Scooter Works in Daphne.
Mike Sullivan (Mobile) email: xaxSullyscycle@yahoo.comxfx Motorcycles include a 2003 Kawasaki ZG1000 (Concours) and a Honda S65.
Henry Sutton (Mary Esther, FL) email: xcvsuttonh@aol.comvcx . Motorcycle include 1962 BMW R27, 1958 Greeves Scotish, 1978 BMW r100S, 1975 Triumph T160.
Dave Swigler (Panama City, FL) email nvndave@swigler.comnvn Motorcycles include Triumph T120R, Triumph X75, Harley XLCR, Honda CB77, Norton Commando
Richard Taylor (Fairhope, AL) email: xxxredtaylr@bellsouth.netvvv . Motorcycles include 1982 Honda cb750 c (custom)
Ronald Taylor (Foley, AL) email: xcvrrtaylor@gulftel.comnvx. Motorcycles include 976 Honda CB750 K60
Steve Thomas (Mobile) email: vcxstevencthomas@bellsouth.netvnc . Motorcycles include 1979 TRIUMPH 750 T140 Bonneville , 2010 Triumph Thunderbird.
Mike Thomason (Mobile) email xqxJawa1@zebra.netxax . Jawa rider
Eldon (Trey) Herbin Thompson (Mobile) email: cxxethompsoniii@yahoo.comxxc. Motorcycles include 03 Yamaha XVS1100 CUSTOM
Leland Tieszen (Daphne AL), email: ioultieszen@bellsouth.netvbn . Motorcycles include a 1990 Honda RC30 (VFR750R) #125 of 300 US imports; 1994 Honda RC45 (RVF750R) #16 of 200 manufactured worldwide, 2004 VFR 800 & 2005 30th Annivesary Honda Goldwing. Always looking for RC30 & RC45 parts.
Dwayne Tippery (Mobile), email: cvxDtippery08@hotmail.commnv. Motorcycles include 2004 harley davidson low rider
Jake Treadway (Irvington, AL), email: bncjaketreadway@yahoo.comcnb. Motorcycles include 1981 cm400e 2200 miles all original.
Mark Tscheulin (Gauthier, MS), email: cvxmtscheulin@cableone.netcxc. Motorcycles include 1942 WLA, 1978 XLCR, 1949 EL, 1953 Servi-Car.
Bo Tucker (Daphne AL), email: vcxtuckebw@gmail.comnmc. Motorcycles include 1978 Yamaha SR500, 1974 Honda MT125.
Maurice Turgeau (Mobile) email: xexRC31Hawk@aol.comxux. Motorcycles include 1973 Honda CB350 Four a YSR/ RZ50 clone and a 1989 Honda Hawk.
Boyce M Valentine (Gulfport, MS) email zxcvalentine360@att.netcxz. Motorcycles include 1967 Jawa 250
Arnie Vandiver (Fairhope, AL) email: cvxarnievandiver@yahoo.comxcv . Motorcycles include a 1999 Indian Chief.
Gerry Dean Verner (Ocean Springs, MS) email: rewmissheidiann@outlook.comewr. Motorcycles include a 1977 Yamaha RD 400cc; 1980 Yamaha SR 500 cc; 1974 Bultaco Alpina 350cc
Wiltz Wagner (Fairhope, AL) email: cvxwwwagner@southalabama.eduxcx . Motorcycles include 125cc and 250cc Honda road racers modified for racing on the Bonneville salt flats. His daughter holds numerous world land speed records on these bikes. Also a Honda 919 and an Aprilla 50cc.
Michael "Drew" Walch email: vcxwalchmd@aol.comvcx . Motorcycles include 2007 Honda VTX 1800T 1969 BMW R69US.
David Walker (Hansville,
WA) email: xrxWahooadv@earthlink.netxex .
Motorcycles include 1997 KZ1000P (Police bike) and a 1967 Yamaha CS1 180. I have
knowledge to share and would always welcome more information. I am looking for a
Hodaka Ace 90 and a Rokon Trailblazer.
Hagan Waller (Pensacola, FL), email: xhxNAGAHRELLAW@AOL.COMxcx Motorcycles include a custom Honda Rebel.
Larry Watson (Biloxi, MS) email: resbwleader101@gmail.comser. Motorcycles include 1917 Indian Powerplus.
Bob Watts (Fairhope, AL) email: ??? Motorcycles include: Honda CBX, 2 Kawasaki Z1 800s, Norton Commando, 1970's Honda CB750.
Herbert H (Herb) Weeks (Mobile, AL), email xzch.h.weeks@gmail.comnmx. Motorcycles include 1940 Simplex Servi-Cycle, 1942 Simplex Servi-Cycle, 1946 Simplex Servi-Cycle, 1953 Simplex Servi-Cycle
Danny Weemes (Mobile) email xcxBSADAN@BELLSOUTH.NETxax . Motorcycles include and a 1974, Triumph Trophy Trail 500. As well as 2 90cc project bikes and a Danny is the author of "Deals Gap" an action-packed motorcycle-oriented novel that is climbing its way up the New York Times best seller's list.
Mike Weiland (Biloxi
MS but currently living in Missouri City TX), email: zxzrideredcb77@hotmail.comzxz
. Motorcycles include 1972 Honda
Alex White (Pensacola, FL) , email: xcvWhitejms42@gmail.comnvx . Motorcycles include BMW R60/2- BMW R90s special , BMW /5, BMW /6
John Whitfield (Bay Minette, AL) email: vxvjohnwhitfield36@msn.comvxx . Motorcycles include 1984 Yamaha Venture Royalle.
Steve Whitworth, (Dauphin Island, AL) email xhxSTEVE@gcspecialties.COMxsx . Motorcycles include 2003 Goldwing.
Doug Whittle, (Fort Morgan, AL) email nmnDwhittle731@gmail.comncx. Motorcycles include 1972 Honda CB350, 1975 Yamaha RD350, 1974 Suzuki TM125, 1974 Bultaco Alpina 350.
Oren Williams, (Biloxie,
MS) email xrxOLO1190@AOL.COMxfx .
Motorcycles include 1972 CL350K4 Honda and a 1980 CB400T Honda.
Andy Wisner (Mobile, AL) email: vcxandywisner@hotmail.comcxv . Motorcycles include 2005 Harley electra glide standard , 1967 Harley sportster xlch ,1968 Yamaha twin jet 100 , 1970 Honda XR 75
Ron Wisner (Mobile, AL) email: vcx. Motorcycles include 1997 Harley Davidson FLSTF Fatboy; 1972 Honda CT70H
Jim Wilson (Mobile) email: xhx???xgx . Motorcycles include a 1960 FL Harley Davidson. I'm an old panhead man with the exception of a shovelhead or two,,, but I like all bike's,,, if it gets you in the wind its cool,,, I just like the old stuff... That's what I build. Proprietor of San Marino V Twin Works, Theodore AL. Motorcycle repair & restorations. 251 259 0333
Jim Witt, (Pensacola, FL) email: vcxjjwitt2@cox.netcvx . Motorcycles include a 1971 CB750 Honda Cafe project, 1970 TS250 Suzuki, 1978 TS250 Suzuki.
Rick Wolf, (Jackson,AL) email: xcvblinddog1@earthlink.netcxz . Motorcycles include: 65 Triumph Bonnevile, 74 Harley FLH, 58 Harley FLH
Matthew Thomas Wright (Biloxi, MS) email: nmashaggsflooring1021@gmail.comamn.
Richard Zamzow (Pensacola, FL) email: cvszamzowrichard@yahoo.comsou.
Motorcycles include 1965 Honda Dream 305 (Currently restoring.) 2015 HD
CVO Roadglide (Driven daily)
Robert Zarzour (Mobile) email: xcvrjzarzour@gmail.comvcx . Motorcycles include: 1958 Cushman Eagle
Neil Zlokovich, (Cape
Girardeau, MO), xsxNzlokovich@semo.eduxax
Motorcycles include a 1966 Triumph TR6R